
Press Release

Interim Results - Part 2

August 28, 2008 at 12:00 AM EDT
Part 2 : For preceding part double click [nRn1b1627C]  
  Investing activities                                                                                                                                                       
  Interest received                                        1,872                                        1,988                                        3,885                   
  Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired        -                                            (32,596)                                     (32,600)                
  Sale of property, plant and equipment                    11                                           306                                          336                     
  Purchases of property, plant and equipment               (2,471)                                      (6,173)                                      (8,620)                 
  Purchases of intangible assets                           (2,922)                                      (2,934)                                      (5,619)                 
  Acquisition of minority interests                        -                                            -                                            (30)                    
  Net cash flow from investing activities                  (3,510)                                      (39,409)                                     (42,648)                
  Financing activities                                                                                                                                                       
  Interest paid                                            (3,536)                                      (2,069)                                      (5,333)                 
  Dividends paid to equity shareholders of the parent      (8,063)                                      (7,871)                                      (11,806)                
  Proceeds from issue of shares                            -                                            543                                          661                     
  Purchase of own shares                                   (9,501)                                      -                                            (11,332)                
  Repayment of capital element of finance leases           (10,281)                                     (2,061)                                      (12,195)                
  Repayment of loans                                       (7,265)                                      (6,742)                                      (11,103)                
  New borrowings                                           7,509                                        6,203                                        19,832                  
  Increase/(decrease) in factor financing                  18,818                                       (8,381)                                      (8,743)                 
  Net cash flows from financing activities                 (12,319)                                     (20,378)                                     (40,019)                
  Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents         8,816                                        (54,346)                                     (50,195)                
  Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents    (1,477)                                      1                                            (1,521)                 
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period         7,266                                        58,982                                       58,982                  
  Cash and cash equivalents at end of period               14,605                                       4,637                                        7,266                   
  Analysis of net funds                                                                 
  Cash and cash equivalents                       14,605        4,637         7,266     
  Factor financing                                (44,324)      (21,148)      (23,453)  
  Net debt prior to customer-specific financing   (29,719)      (16,511)      (16,187)  
  Finance leases                                  (50,004)      (30,218)      (47,642)  
  Other loans                                     (16,218)      (6,707)       (15,975)  
  Net debt                                        (95,941)      (53,436)      (79,804)  
Notes to the accounts  
1 Accounting policies  
Basis of preparation  
The unaudited interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of 
the accounting policies set out in the Group's statutory accounts for the year 
ended 31 December 2007, and in accordance with International Accounting Standard 
34 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the European Union. The taxation 
charge is calculated by applying the Directors' best estimate of the annual tax 
rate to the profit for the period. Other expenses are accrued in accordance with 
the same principles used in the preparation of the annual accounts.  
 2 Segment information  
The Group's primary reporting format is geographical segments and its secondary 
format is business segments.   
The Group's geographical segments are determined by the location of the Group's 
assets and operations. The Group's business in each geography is managed 
separately and held in separate statutory entities.  
Revenues are usually expected to be higher in the second half of the year than 
in the first six months. This is principally driven by customer buying behaviour 
in the markets in which we operate. Typically this leads to a more pronounced 
effect on operating profit. In addition the effect is compounded further by the 
tendency for the holiday entitlements of our employees to accrue during the 
first half of the year and to be utilised in the second half.  
Segmental performance for the period to 30 June 2008 was as follows:  
                                                 Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2008      Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2007      Year ended 31 Dec 2007  
                                                 £'000                                        £'000                                        £'000                   
  Revenue by geographic market                                                                                                                                     
  UK                                             708,099                                      671,154                                      1,357,305               
  Germany                                        379,777                                      340,680                                      708,581                 
  France                                         147,211                                      135,309                                      285,698                 
  Benelux                                        15,173                                       13,190                                       27,557                  
  Total                                          1,250,260                                    1,160,333                                    2,379,141               
  Gross profit by geographic market                                                                                                                                
  UK                                             98,924                                       95,324                                       197,185                 
  Germany                                        51,959                                       43,339                                       94,202                  
  France                                         16,961                                       14,178                                       31,501                  
  Benelux                                        1,694                                        1,309                                        2,920                   
  Total                                          169,538                                      154,150                                      325,808                 
  Operating profit/(loss) by geographic market                                                                                                                     
  UK                                             10,112                                       11,267                                       33,957                  
  Germany                                        4,320                                        3,779                                        10,942                  
  France                                         (1,930)                                      (2,111)                                      (1,754)                 
  Benelux                                        (68)                                         (111)                                        (44)                    
  Total                                          12,434                                       12,824                                       43,101                  
  Revenue by business segment                                                                                                                                      
  Product                                        923,193                                      873,628                                      1,774,164               
  Professional services                          83,993                                       71,088                                       158,488                 
  Support and managed services                   243,074                                      215,617                                      446,489                 
  Total                                          1,250,260                                    1,160,333                                    2,379,141               
3 Finance costs  
                                                           Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2008      Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2007      Year ended 31 Dec 2007  
                                                           £'000                                        £'000                                        £'000                   
  Bank loan and overdrafts                                 1,220                                        1,537                                        2,624                   
  Finance charges payable on customer-specific financing   1,726                                        629                                          2,025                   
  Other interest                                           -                                            -                                            303                     
                                                           2,946                                        2,166                                        4,952                   
4 Income tax  
  The charge based on the profit for the period comprises:                                                                                                                     
                                                             Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2008      Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2007      Year ended 31 Dec 2007  
                                                             £'000                                        £'000                                        £'000                   
  UK corporation tax                                         4,087                                        5,388                                        13,420                  
  Foreign tax                                                101                                          38                                           113                     
  Adjustments in respect of prior periods                    (651)                                        -                                            (385)                   
  Deferred tax                                               (469)                                        (107)                                        13                      
                                                             3,068                                        5,319                                        13,161                  
5 Earnings per ordinary share  
Earnings per share (EPS) amounts are calculated by dividing profit attributable 
to ordinary equity holders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
outstanding during the year (excluding own shares held).  
Diluted earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing profit 
attributable to ordinary equity holders by the weighted average number of 
ordinary shares outstanding during the year (excluding own shares held) adjusted 
for the effect of dilutive options.  
Adjusted basic and adjusted diluted EPS are presented to provide more comparable 
and representative information. Accordingly the adjusted basic and adjusted 
diluted EPS figures exclude amortisation of acquired intangibles.  
                                                                    Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2008      Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2007      Year ended 31 Dec 2007  
                                                                    £'000                                        £'000                                        £'000                   
  Profit attributable to equity holders of the parent               7,922                                        7,496                                        28,888                  
  Amortisation of acquired intangibles attributable to equity       268                                          240                                          613                     
  holders of the parent                                                                                                                                                               
  Tax on amortisation of acquired intangibles                       (67)                                         -                                            (184)                   
  Profit before amortisation of acquired intangibles attributable   8,123                                        7,736                                        29,317                  
  to equity holders of the parent                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                    No '000                                      No '000                                      No '000                 
  Basic weighted average number of shares (excluding own shares     150,850                                      157,272                                      156,117                 
  Effect of dilution:                                                                                                                                                                 
  Share options                                                     2,769                                        2,616                                        2,202                   
  Diluted weighted average number of shares                         153,619                                      159,888                                      158,319                 
                                        Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2008      Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2007      Year ended 31 Dec 2007  
                                        pence                                        pence                                        pence                   
  Basic earnings per share              5.3                                          4.8                                          18.5                    
  Diluted earnings per share            5.2                                          4.7                                          18.2                    
  Adjusted basic earnings per share     5.4                                          4.9                                          18.8                    
  Adjusted diluted earnings per share   5.3                                          4.8                                          18.5                    
6 Dividends paid and proposed  
The proposed final dividend for 2007 of 5.5p per ordinary share was approved at 
the AGM in May 2008 and was paid on 12 June 2008. An interim dividend in respect 
of 2008 of 2.7p per ordinary share, amounting to a total dividend of £3,960,000, 
was declared by the Directors at their meeting on 27 August 2008. This interim 
report does not reflect this dividend payable.  
7 Financial liabilities  
Factor financing  
On 13 May 2008, the Group entered into a £60m Sterling and Euro Receivables 
Financing Agreement with a bank. Under the terms of the arrangement certain 
trade debts are sold to the bank who in turn advances cash payments in relation 
to these debts. Interest is charged on a daily basis at a rate of ECB base rate 
+65 basis points. The facility is committed for a minimum period of three years. 
At the end of the period 25% of the facility was drawn down.  
8 Adjusted operating profit  
Reconciliation of adjusted operating profit  
Management measure the Group's operating performance using adjusted operating 
profit which is stated prior to amortisation of acquired intangibles and after 
charging finance costs on customer-specific financing for which the Group 
receives regular rental income.  
                                                 Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2008      Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2007      Year ended 31 Dec 2007  
                                                 £'000                                        £'000                                        £'000                   
  Operating profit                               12,434                                       12,824                                       43,101                  
  Add back                                                                                                                                                         
  Amortisation of acquired intangibles           268                                          240                                          613                     
  After charging                                                                                                                                                   
  Finance costs on customer-specific financing   (1,726)                                      (629)                                        (2,025)                 
  Adjusted operating profit                      10,976                                       12,435                                       41,689                  
Adjusted operating profit/(loss) by geographic market  
            Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2008      Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2007      Year ended 31 Dec 2007  
            £'000                                        £'000                                        £'000                   
  UK        8,874                                        11,263                                       33,099                  
  Germany   4,100                                        3,394                                        10,388                  
  France    (1,930)                                      (2,111)                                      (1,754)                 
  Benelux   (68)                                         (111)                                        (44)                    
  Total     10,976                                       12,435                                       41,689                  
9 Adjusted cash flow statement  
The adjusted cash flow has been provided to explain how management view the cash 
performance of the business. There are two primary differences to this 
presentation compared to the statutory cash flow statement, as follows:  
  1)   Factor financing is not included within the statutory definition of cash and cash             
       equivalents, but operationally is managed within the total net funds/borrowings of the        
       businesses; and                                                                               
  2)   Items relating to customer specific financing are adjusted for as follows:                    
       a.                              Interest paid on customer-specific financing is reclassified  
                                       from interest paid to adjusted operating profit;              
       b.                              Assets held under finance leases, which are matched by        
                                       amounts receivable under customer operating lease rentals,    
                                       are netted off against each other. This impacts the           
                                       depreciation of leased assets, the repayment of capital       
                                       element of finance leases and net working capital; and        
       c.                              Assets financed by loans, which are matched by amounts        
                                       receivable under customer operating lease rentals, are netted 
                                       off against each other. This impacts the movement on loans    
                                       within financing activities and also net working capital.     
Adjusted cash flow statement  
For the six months ended 30 June 2008  
                                                             Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2008      Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2007      Year ended 31 Dec 2007  
                                                             £'000                                        £'000                                        £'000                   
  Adjusted operating profit                                  10,976                                       12,435                                       41,689                  
  Adjustments to reconcile Group adjusted operating profit                                                                                                                     
  to adjusted operating cashflow                                                                                                                                               
  Depreciation and amortisation                              8,976                                        8,589                                        16,603                  
  Share-based payment                                        1,573                                        1,269                                        2,659                   
  Working capital movements                                  (5,456)                                      (13,759)                                     (20,089)                
  Currency and other adjustments                             (1,190)                                      43                                           (4,196)                 
  Adjusted operating cashflow                                14,879                                       8,577                                        36,666                  
  Income taxes paid                                          (5,527)                                      (6,345)                                      (13,853)                
  Net interest received                                      62                                           549                                          577                     
  Capital expenditure and investments                        (5,382)                                      (8,801)                                      (13,933)                
  Acquisitions and disposals                                 -                                            (32,596)                                     (32,600)                
  Equity dividends paid                                      (8,063)                                      (7,871)                                      (11,806)                
  Cashoutflow before financing                               (4,031)                                      (46,487)                                     (34,949)                
  Proceeds from issue of shares                              -                                            543                                          661                     
  Purchase of own shares                                     (9,501)                                      -                                            (11,332)                
  Decrease in net debt pre CSF in the period                 (13,532)                                     (45,944)                                     (45,620)                
  Decrease in net debt pre CSF                               (13,532)                                     (45,944)                                     (45,620)                
  Net debt pre CSF at beginning of period                    (16,187)                                     29,433                                       29,433                  
  Net debt pre CSF at end of period                          (29,719)                                     (16,511)                                     (16,187)                
10 Publication of non-statutory accounts  
The financial information contained in the interim statement does not constitute 
statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The 
auditors have issued an unqualified opinion on the Group's statutory financial 
statements under International Accounting Standards for the year ended 31 
December 2007. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of 
This information is provided by RNS  
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange  